
Do's and Don'ts for Holiday Adoption

Many people love to give pets as gifts for the holidays. While it’s a thoughtful idea, giving a pet for a gift isn’t always the right thing to do. Adopting a pet from the local animal shelter or humane society is a good way to help an animal in need. However, not all animals make great gifts. The following do’s and don’ts will help you navigate this potentially tricky situation.

Don’t Give the Pet during the Holiday Chaos
Animals can become very nervous. This is particularly true when they’re faced with a new situation, like a new home and family. And the holidays are a time of high expectations, stress, and excitement.

It’s a good idea to wait until after the holiday commotion has died down before you give the animal as a gift. Give the animal time to warm up and settle in.

Don’t Give an Exotic Pet as a Gift

Exotic pets come with a lot of special needs. They also come with risks. For example, turtles have salmonella and are a risky gift for small children. Birds are vulnerable to stress, loud noises, and change. They don’t usually make great gifts.

Do Research Your Options
The humane society and animal shelters are packed with dogs and cats that need a home. If dogs and cats aren’t what you’re looking for, consider a guinea pig or other small rodent. Before you adopt or give away any animal, make sure the family members are not allergic. Cats, dogs, and guinea pigs all have the potential to cause an allergic action. You may want to introduce family members to the breed before you adopt.

Don’t Wing It
Don’t simply grab an animal, bring it home, and hope for the best. Animals need a variety of supplies and materials.

Do Shop and Stock Up
Make sure that you buy food, bowls, supplies, and bedding for the pet you’re giving as a gift. In fact, each of the supplies can be wrapped up and given as gifts. You can use them to lead up to the final surprise gift.

Do Factor the Future Expenses
Pets are expensive. They require regular check-ups, vaccinations, food, and medications. They also need toys and grooming products like shampoo and flea preventative. It’s not a one-time expense. Make sure that whoever you’re giving the pet to can afford the future expenses.

Do Expect to Need Approval
Many animal shelters do not allow their animals to be given as pets. Anyone who is going to own the animal or care for the animal needs to be approved. Many animal shelters require home visits. Some require the entire family to come in and meet the animal and then sign an agreement.

Giving an adopted animal as a gift is a wonderful way to help an animal in need. However, it’s not always an easy endeavour. Be prepared. Do your research and make sure the animal you choose is the right one for your recipient.

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