
Removing Pet Odors

How to Remove Pet Odors is valuable knowledge for those homeowners that have odor problems because of their pets. Keeping pets does not come without these problems. However, sometimes people who do not even keep pets may face problems related to pet odor. Therefore, pet odors are a problem known to many, and it is a problem that has been of some attention for several years, with professionals devising formulas to solve the problem. The most common and effective means of pet odor removal has been a process that involves the use of bacteria and enzymes.
Process of Removing Pet Odors:
The process that most effectively removes pet odor includes laboratory- produced bacteria that rapidly produce enzymes. Experts assert that it is the basically the active nature of the bacteria that causes odor breakdown wit the aid of the enzymes speeding up the breakdown or decomposition. At the end of the process, there is nothing left of the odor causing source. This means that the source of odor no longer exists, so the odor can no longer exist.
Causes of Pet Odors and How They Can Be Removed:
Basically, what the enzyme/bacteria method acts on are the substances that make up the urine content. Urine comprises of substances like creatine, urea, substances removed from the body that are detoxified, Sodium Chloride, etc. Usually, when urine is relatively fresh, all these substances do not act together. Instead, freshly excreted urine does not really pose a problem; it is the ammoniacal odor of older urine that causes a problem. This smell is usually caused because of the gradual breakdown of urine contents. The enzyme/bacteria method of getting rid of stale urine content is believed to be the most effective method. This is because this method works of the principle of breaking down all urine content at a very quick rate.
Steps Involved in the Bacteria/Enzyme Removal Process:
Removal of Pet Odor takes place through the following steps: 
  1. Introduction of removal agent to the source of pet odor. The removal agent acts immediately, and the molecules of urine content are broken down even deep down in a carpet. The enzymes are catalysts that favor the break down process.

  2. The bacteria get into a speedy mode of breaking down all the molecules while the multiply at a quick rate.

  3. Once all the urine content is devoured, the bacteria breakdown, and the odor diminishes. 
In contrast to the bacteria/enzyme process, home remedies are sometimes sought. How effective they might be is questionable. This is because of the fact that they often do not get to the source of the problem in contrast to the pet odor removal method mentioned above. Home remedies might include: odor removal powders, quaternary disinfectants, vinegar products, oxy products, ammonia solution, etc. These remove odors marginally, and then there is always the reoccurrence of odors that one might have to deal with.
In view of the chances of pet odors returning, it is best to stick with the more effective bacteria/enzyme removal process for removal of pet odor.

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