
More, Foods For Felines

Joyous Cat Food

Ingredients :
1/2 C Milk
3 slices of meat, 2 veggies, or 4 crab sticks
1 Egg
1/2 C Flour

Directions :
Mix all ingredients and use cookie cutter to cut into small shapes.
Cook at 350 F,until golden brown

Cat Food : Homemade Kitty Yum Yums

Ingredients :
1/2 C Dry cat food
1/4 C Warm water or milk
3 T Catnip

Directions :
Put the cat food and milk in the bowl and mix well. Pour out any extra water. Sprinkle the catnip over the mixture and mix well. If you like you may bake in a 350 degree oven for 15 min.

Cat Food : Bland Diet for Finicky Felines

1 c Chicken, boiled or micro waved
1/4 c Fresh broccoli, steamed
1/4 c Shredded carrots, steamed
Chicken broth

Mix ingredients with enough chicken broth to hold together. This same recipe can be used with fish (broil or microwave until it flakes.) You can also vary the recipe by adding rice or other vegetables

Yummy Cat Food

Ingredients :
3 cups raw or lightly cooked ground meat (beef, chicken, turkey, or lamb)
1 cup raw or slightly cooked organ meat (kidney, liver, heart, lung)
1 raw turkey neck, ground or finely chopped (be sure not to cook)
1 cup well-cooked grain (oats, rice, barley or cornmeal)
½ cup well cooked vegetable (broccoli, zucchini, carrots, squash or green beans)
1 raw egg
1 teaspoon olive oil or flax seed oil

Directions :
Mix all ingredients together, and then divide into individual portions.

The less you cook the ingredients, the more nutrional it will be for you cat. If you freeze the individual portions, they will keep for several weeks and you can defrost one a day. When thawing, try not to use the microwave or another cooking method, since this will reduce nutrient levels. Instead, let food thaw overnight in the refrigerator. To warm it, place the food in a plastic bags with zipper closure, then immerse the bag into hot (not boiling) water for 10 minutes.

The amount of food prepared with this recipe should last for about 5 days for a adult cat of normal size. Your cat may eat more or less at each meal; use common sense to decide on severing size. Because this mixture is slightly lower in calories than dry cat food, you will need to serve slightly more of it in comparison
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